July 14, 2021


Name Ghanaian-German Economic Association Phone 0263007588 Email ggea1@ggea.net



“The Ghanaian Post-coronavirus economy: Taxes & Digitalization” webinar

Building on the ongoing conversations on the COVID-19 pandemic, Ghana’s new tax regime, and the recognition of private sector input as well as digitalization efforts as key to companies’ recovery and resilience, the Ghanaian-German Economic Association invites you to be part of its virtual business forum.

“The Ghanaian post-coronavirus economy; Taxes and Digitalisation.”

 Date: Wednesday, 14th July, 2021
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. 

Our seasoned speakers include

1. Mr. Abeku Gyan-Quansah, Tax Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
2. Mrs. Magdalene Apenteng, Chief Director, Ministry of Communications & Digitalization
3. Mrs. Annie-Marie Castel-Langefeld, Head of Business Invest, GIZ

You will get to learn more about how to maximise growth by taking advantage of the new developments in the tax regime; exemptions, incentives etc, understand and be able to positively utilise outcomes of the government’s digitalization agenda on businesses in Ghana, and be enlightened on how companies, especially the ICT sector, can tap into the GIZ technical support system among others.

For registration kindly send an mail with your name, email and company to ggea1@ggea.net or call 0263007588 for further enquiries.