Ecobank Ghana topped the retailing banking segment’s ability to resolve resolution or ‘turning a poor customer experience into a great one’, the 2023 KPMG West Africa Banking Industry Customer Experience Survey has disclosed.
Customers of Ecobank Ghana commended the bank for reasonable wait times when contacting the call center and prompt handling of issues, often surpassing their expectations.
The bank’s commitment to a customer-centric approach, reflected in its RACEIT values, notably the ‘C’ for customer centricity, was visibly displayed in its branches.
The customers also praised the bank for delivering proactive and prompt support, particularly on its digital platforms.
UBA Ghana secured the second position, experiencing a slight drop of one place from its previous ranking. It excelled in the Empathy pillar, particularly with respect to professionalism among its staff.
Prudential Bank, a newcomer among the top five, demonstrated noteworthy performance in the Personalization and Time and Effort pillars.
CalBank tops SME segment
In the SME segment, the Integrity pillar had the highest customer experience score.
CalBank came tops with customers expressing satisfaction primarily with the quick handling of requests, streamlined branch experiences without long queues, and the security of their transactions.
It was followed closely by Zenith Bank, impressing customers with the professionalism and attitude demonstrated by the bank’s staff and relationship managers.
Stanbic Bank placed third.
Stanchart came 1st in Corporate banking segment
In the Corporate segment, Standard Chartered Bank emerged as the market leader, receiving commendation for its tailored services, advisory offerings, and foreign exchange services among other areas.
The Expectations pillar dominated this segment, driven by factors such as user friendly internet banking platforms, transaction turnaround times, and the quality and timeliness of information dissemination about the banks’ products and services.
Stanbic Bank secured one of the highest satisfaction scores in these measures, placing second in this segment.
While banks may emphasise specific segments as part of their business strategy, the report said it is important to streamline efforts toward enhancing overall customer experience. Progress achieved by banks in one segment could serve as a foundation for improving performance in another.
Across all segments, the Resolution pillar recorded relatively low scores, indicating a missed opportunity for banks to turn negative experiences into opportunities for fostering greater customer loyalty and advocacy.